

  • Script returns 0 on success, 1 on failure.
  • On std-out it only lists failing checks. However log file has details of all the success and failures and errors.
  • By default it does not fail on errors (like FILE_NOT_FOUND, MISSING_PROPERTY). However this can be changed by setting --failon argument
  • Script does not stop on error, or failure, it moves to next test/check
Log format is as follows, (for default cardinality: one-to-one)
Log Message Type (Info, Error) Test Name Check Name Compare Type Pass / Failed and detailed compare information
INFO Elastic Search Test Elastic Search 'NUMBER_OF_NODES' check COMPARE PASSED : $.topology.vmHosts[?(@.hostType=opt1)].elasticSearchNodes([1]) == NUMBER_OF_NODES([u'1'])
INFO Elastic Search Test Elastic Search 'ES_HEAP_VALUE' check COMPARE FAILED : $.topology.vmHosts[?(@.hostType=opt1)].['max.heap']([u'6048']) != ES_HEAP_VALUE([u'1536'])
ERROR JVM Args Test XX:NewRatio Check MISSING_PROPERTY COMPARE No property: $..wlsClusters[?(@.clusterName=SingletonCluster)].'XX:NewRatio'

Example log:

[[INFO] [Elastic Search Test] [Elastic Search 'NUMBER_OF_NODES' check] [COMPARE]] PASSED : $.topology.vmHosts[?(@.hostType=opt1)].elasticSearchNodes([1]) == NUMBER_OF_NODES([u'1'])
[[INFO] [Elastic Search Test] [Elastic Search 'ES_HEAP_VALUE' check] [COMPARE]] FAILED : $.topology.vmHosts[?(@.hostType=opt1)].['max.heap']([u'6048']) != ES_HEAP_VALUE([u'1536'])
[[ERROR] [JVM Args Test] [XX:NewRatio Check] [MISSING_PROPERTY] [metadatas/tests/jvm/source.json]] No property: $..wlsClusters[?(@.clusterName=SingletonCluster)].'XX:NewRatio'

However, if the check type has 'one-to-many' cardinality in case of multiple files

Log Message Type Test Name Check Name Cardinality File Name Compare Type Pass / Failed and detailed compare information
INFO JVM Args Test Xms Check one-to-many ./metadatas/tests/one-to-many/vm1//target.properties COMPARE PASSED : $..wlsClusters[?(@.clusterName=UICluster)].Xms([2014]) == fusion.FADomain.UICluster.default.minmaxmemory.main([u'2014'])

Example log:

[INFO] [JVM Args Test] [Xms Check] [one-to-many] [./metadatas/tests/one-to-many/vm1//target.properties] [COMPARE]] PASSED : $..wlsClusters[?(@.clusterName=UICluster)].Xms([2014]) == fusion.FADomain.UICluster.default.minmaxmemory.main([u'2014'])