
On Python => 2.7 run python -m bats

On Python <2.7 (POD it is 2.6) run python -m bats.__main__

There are four actions supported:

Metadata : Reads a metadata.json file that contains the configuration of tests to execute
Compare : Compares two files that are provided as command-line arguments
Extract : Extracts a property from a file


Pass metadata.json

$ python -m bats metadata metadata.json

Pass dynamic values - Pass dynamic values that will be replaced in the metadata.json. For example if I execute below command,

$ python -m bats metadata metadata.json -D key=value

Then, it will replace ${key} with 'value' in below metadata.json

"name": "Demonstrate dynamic value"
"tests": [
"name": "Sample test",
"checks": [
"name": "Sample check",
"source": {
"property": "${key}"
"type": "..."
"file": "..."
"target": {
"property": "${key}"
"type": "..."
"file": "..."

Fail on errors

$ python -m bats metadata metadata.json --failon MISSING_PROPERTY