Coding Assessment Product
Software engineer • 2010-March to 2010-September
Application that executes user submitted code via testing framework. Correctness of the code (checking inheritance, implementation of interfaces) is evaluated using Reflection. Also create algorithmic problems for evaluting alogrithm skills. Created coding games as well.
Technologies: java
, jsp
, tomcat
, unix
Coding AI game
Software engineer • 2010-January to 2010-March
Created AI game to assess the coding abilities of candidate. The candidates needs to write concrete implementation for given set of interfaces that are used by the server to operate a bot that represents the user. End game is when bot completes given objectives without dying.
Technologies: java
, applet
, tomcat
Nvidia cuda assessment
Software engineer • 2009-September to 2009-December
Worked on assessment tool for Nvidia cuda, that runs the users C code on NVIDA graphics card. Checks edge cases and memory usage.
Technologies: cude
, c